martes, 8 de octubre de 2013



1. While the women they talk over feelings and people , men focus their conversations on objects and activities.


2. Stuttering , which some experts link to an excess of dopamine in the brain, affects four times more men than women .

3. Insults . The 72 % of men say rude in public, compared with 58 % of women.
But if they are insulted , they respond with sharper tongue .

4. Jokes. Men tell more jokes , especially in large groups. Women avoid the jokes in male presence and prefer to make jokes in small groups.

5. Talking about sex . A study by the University of Pennsylvania reveals that , despite what we usually think , young women (18-25 years ) tend to talk about sex with their close friends more often than men of the same age .

6. Men do not listen . Due to the shape of the larynx and vocal cords female , woman 's voice is more complex and melodic than the male . Therefore, according to Michael Hunter , University of Sheffield , when men hear women activated brain areas that process emotional intonation and musicality , which distracts from the message content.

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