To carry the speech circuit needs a speaker or listener or sender and receiver use the same code.
Context. It is the frame of reference with respect to which the signs acquire a particular meaning. The set of signs and samples used in text to distinguish some other meanings.
Speaker and listener. They are the people who set the oral communication.
Message and code. The first relates to what is said and the second is the language used. The speaker emits an encoded message decodes the listener (it is) and responds with another coded message is related to that was sent. When the speaker becomes listener and the listener in speaker, and alternate functions is performed speech circuit.
To establish a dialogue requires, among other things, speak the same language, and so the caller can understand the messages that are sent and the sender (the speaker) understands what you want to participate. In this sense, language is the code that is the most frequent form of communication. Therefore, a condition so that it can establish a dialogue speech loop listener and speaker is that using the same code.
When not handled the same code is very difficult to establish communication, whether present or not other elements involved in the speech circuit.
Context. It is the frame of reference with respect to which the signs acquire a particular meaning. The set of signs and samples used in text to distinguish some other meanings.
Speaker and listener. They are the people who set the oral communication.
Message and code. The first relates to what is said and the second is the language used. The speaker emits an encoded message decodes the listener (it is) and responds with another coded message is related to that was sent. When the speaker becomes listener and the listener in speaker, and alternate functions is performed speech circuit.
To establish a dialogue requires, among other things, speak the same language, and so the caller can understand the messages that are sent and the sender (the speaker) understands what you want to participate. In this sense, language is the code that is the most frequent form of communication. Therefore, a condition so that it can establish a dialogue speech loop listener and speaker is that using the same code.
When not handled the same code is very difficult to establish communication, whether present or not other elements involved in the speech circuit.